Karla Schlimgen, MD |
Guidelines for Parents
allergies, eczema | 2-7 times |
ear infections | 3 times |
gastroenteritis | 3 times |
meningitis | 3.8 times |
urinary-tract infections | 2.6 to 5.5 times |
diabetes, type 1 | 2.4 times |
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) | 2 times |
pneumonia/lower-respiratory-tract infection | 1.7 to 5 times |
inflammatory bowel disease | 1.5 to 1.9 times |
Hodgkin’s lymphoma | 1 to 6.7 times |
Adapted from American Family Physician, April 1, 2000, Vol. 61, No. 7
Most newborn babies sleep 16 to 20 hours a day. Parents can expect that a newborn will sleep at least one long stretch of 3 to 5 hours in 24 hours. Parents should prepare for the fact that they will be getting up several times a night, once the baby arrives. By about four months, many babies will sleep more at night and remain alert for increasingly longer periods in the daytime. This can be encouraged by engaging the infant during wakeful daytimes and keeping nighttime awakenings calm, quiet and no longer than necessary. Parents should always position infants on their backs for sleeping during the first six months of life to prevent increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
It is wise to arrange childcare in advance, rather than waiting until after the delivery. Be cautious in finding help. Keeping infants in small childcare settings for the first 6 to 12 months of life minimizes exposure to sickness while their immune systems are still young and more vulnerable. Large group daycares increase your baby’s risk of respiratory infections, ear infections and diarrhea. Check your childcare provider’s licensure and references. Drop in unannounced to check on your child periodically.
Certain vaccine preventable diseases can infect babies within the first few months of life. Vaccinating your infant will provide protection when they need it.
All vaccines that are approved for use in the United States have been thoroughly tested for safety, and serious side effects are very rare. Ask your doctor for more information or visit these web sites to learn more about vaccines:
Besides your pediatrician, sources that can be trusted include: accredited medical schools, government agencies, professional medical associations and recognized national disorder/disease-specific organizations. The Web site for the American Academy of Pediatrics, www.aap.org, is a good place to start.
For more information, call Dr. Schlimgen, Oak Leaf Pediatrics, Eau Claire » 715.830.0732